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  • Writer's pictureTransition Town Ilford

Transition Town Ilford hosts Eco-tent  at the Green Fair!

An exciting first!

For the first time Transition Town Ilford hosted an Eco tent at this year’s Green fair on July 7thin Valentines Park.


The tent buzzed with activity the whole day.  Visitors could get information about walks on the wild side in Redbridge  from Francis of Nature conservancy,  have a conversation  about Climate change with Wanstead Climate Action, take away a free glass  bottle of milk, learn how to compost and make cuttings, take away some free seeds to grow at home and make seed “bombs” to plant,  do children’s eco crafts  and get a free drink of water. In addition a Restart Party was held in the Cranbrook Centre where people could take electrical goods and learn how to fix them.

restart Repairs team.jpg

We also had a programme of workshops at set times. All of these attracted a good number of people.

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compost workshop.JPG
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Healthy food and drink demonstrations included making sauerkraut, pickles, nutrition balls, raw food and juices, herbal teas and  Kombucha tasting.

Other workshops ranged from Upcycling  cardboard and fabric(very popular) to what Redbridge council is doing about the climate emergency, from how to run a play street to using modern washable nappies, from bee keeping to  buying Fair Trade products.

The team of volunteers were fantastic. We were delighted at the interest. It was the first time but hopefully definitely not the last !

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