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  • Writer's pictureTransition Town Ilford

We want a building to create an environmental and community hub in Ilford!

Ilford is in need of a community hub as a centre for environmental and community projects.  So many people have been saying it for many years. 


We know there are unused or under-used buildings in Ilford that we could transform, by collaborating with other local groups in a grassroots way. 


We believe that there are owners or landlords (private or council or other) that would love to gift us the use of their building as their contribution to flourishing community life and cooperation in Ilford.


We want:


o   Access to the space for one day a week as a pilot, and the resources to get it ready

·      By 2025/2026:

o   A permanent good-sized, accessible space for no rent in Ilford, in or near the Commonwealth estate or Town Centre, with good footfall....and resources to support it


What we will do with it:

·      Create a friendly and inclusive space that is a hive of activity, we’ve a great track record

·      Set up a community café and zero waste stall

·      Enable environmental projects based on sustainability: recycle-reuse-repairs, community energy, reduce food waste, get growing, food coops, upcycling, green technology and more

·      Enable community and arts projects to help wellbeing, tackle loneliness, provide inter-generational contact, skills learning and sharing, and MUCH more

·      Involve wide cultures, religions, ages, genders and community organisations

·      Create community spirit, a sense of belonging in Ilford and solutions to community problems

·      Build the local sharing and money economy


How we will do it

·      Involve our 75 volunteers and 500 members

·      Work with and develop our extensive community sector partnerships,  and with statutory & business sectors

·      Visit neighbouring London boroughs to learn from them

·      Start small with a big vision / Get help, take advice, learn from mistakes / Develop at a pace we can manage

·      Income-generate, fundraise and raise support and sponsorships


Anyone with ideas or contacts of offers, get in touch.  Join this grassroots transformation plan for Ilford

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